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Evil eye and envy | الأكاديمية الدولية لعلوم الطب التكاملي

In this section we will talk about Spiritual diseases: evil eye and envy, mass (touch from devil), and magic (Sihr). We will discuss the symptoms, methods of trearment, and real stories about them.

What is the evil eye and envy?

Evil eye and envy are one of the most dangerous spiritual diseases. The difference between envy and evil eye is that: the green-eyed (person with envy) wishes to demise the grace from any one. While the evil eye likes things but he does not wish to demise it. So, every green- eyed (envy) is an evil eye person, but not every evil eye person is a green-eyed (envy) person.

The Prophet- peace be upon Him- said: “The evil eye can take a person into grave (can cause death), and takes the camel into the cooking pot (meaning death too)”.

A question: we heard that some people can hurt others by their evil eye whenever they want, is that true?

Yes, that’s true. Some people can control they evil eye and release it and hurt anyone or anything they want. Some of those people can drop a large rock from a high mountain by their eye only. One of the people who has an evil eye was with his friend in a restaurant, he told him that he could switch off the light in the whole place using his eyes. Then, he look at one of the lights and the restaurant became dark.

Some of them can look at a person for seconds with their evil eye and the person falls down and dies.  

A question: the one who destroys something with his evil eye, is he a trespasser?

The one who injures people deliberately with his evil eye and threatening them; he is a trespasser and sinful person. The guardian must prison him, prevent him from meeting people and spending money to him if he was a poor person until he repent or until he dies;  so people will get rid of his evil and harms. {Shiekh Mohammad Saleh Al-Monajjed}

The one who injures people deliberately with his evil eye and killed someone, he should be killed, too. {Shiekh Ibn Othaimeen}

A question: the Prophet –peace be upon Him- said: “Evil eye is true, devil and the human envy protect it”. Is any envy hurts the person is also been protected by demon (Shaitan)?

No, some of the evil eyes happened without demon. The devil who protects the eye and enters with the evil eye into the body of the person is called (the keeper of the evil eye). And Shiekh Al-Albani has weaken the above hadith. But the reality has proven the entry of the devil into the body through the evil eye.

It is been noted that most of the devils who enter the body with the evil eye are from the high ranks. Whether they are strong giants or gin kings.

A question: if the evil eye went away from the body, did the keeper of the evil eye ,also, go out from the body? Or should the keeper of the evil eye go out from the body first?

From the experiences, maybe the keeper of the evil eye goes away or maybe not. So, if there is a person who has an attack from an envy or evil eye, the Shiekh or the medicator should read some of Hasad (envy) verses, then some of devil or burn (harq) verses, and then return to read Hasad verses, and so on.

A question: How does a person know if he is hurt by evil eye or envy person?

We can know that by many things:

1-     By visions and dreams: the affected or suffered person sees the same people fluently in his dreams and they look at him. Or, he sees eyes chasing him. Or, seeing himself wearing clothes with an eye drawn on it. Or, seeing insecticides or guns…etc.

2-     When the affected person sees or sits with some people and he feels annoyed, uncomfortable or has negative feelings towards them, it means that those people (mostly) the one who hurt him by their evil eye.

3-     A  person has to read Surat Al-Falaq 30-50 times with heard voice consecutively, and if he yawns or belches that means he is hurt by an evil eye or envy. And this is the easiest method to detect. If someone said: (what is the evidence from religion ?) we answer: from the experience, we prove that this method is true and we need no evidence because it does not dissent our religion or Aqeedah. The Prophet-peace be upon him- said: “there is nothing wrong with (Roqiah), except if it is connected with (Shirk) disbelieve”.

4-     There are combined symptoms of the evil eye and envy with Mass and magic: lower back pain, knee pain, narrow chest, poor concentration, frequent mental distraction.

A question:   how can a person differentiate between the affliction caused by evil eye or envy; or the affliction that has no connection with them?

Most of the time, the symptoms of the evil eye are in the form of disease, like organic diseases, and at the same time this disease does not respond to treatment of the doctors. For example, joints, lethargy, insomnia, rash and ulcers on the skin, aversion from home, family, community and study, neurological and psychological diseases. Also, the pale in the face in because the entrapment of blood in the facial veins, malaise, sighing, forgetfulness, heaviness in the back on the head, heaviness on the shoulders, twitching in the extremities, feeling heat in the body and cold in the extremities.

The symptoms of envy (hasad), as Abdulkhaliq Al-Attar said: the symptoms of hasad appears on money, body, kids. If the envy (hasad) hurts the person, then the person will suffer from psychological diseases, like, repels to go to college or to school or to work, or repels to study or collect knowledge. And the degree of his/her intelligence and remembering will decrease. Sometime, the person tends to be alone and isolated from family. And maybe he feels the people around him do not like or care about him…etc.

A question: How could I protect my properties and possessions from the evil eye and envy? If I have gold, car or a house how could I protect them?

The respondent to this question is: Sheikh Abu Al-Bara’a:

There are many ways to protect your properties. In the prophet’s hadith, he said :” O boy, protect Allah and Allah will protect you…” . There is no doubt that Ruqiah is one of the biggest reasons that can protect you by the will of Allah. Ruqiah is prayer and supplication to Allah Almighty asking Him to heal and cure the illness, protect house and any other property. Some people will ask (Can hasad and evil eye hurt the house or car..)

The answer of this question is “yes”. In the Right Hadith which was narrated by Amer bin Rabie’ah and Sahl bin Hanif (may Allah be pleased with them): “If one of you sees in his brother, or himself, or his family or his wealth that which pleases him, the he should ask Allah to bless it, for verily, the evil eye is real.” So, be careful to take all the Islamic causes and methods to protect yourself and your family members from Gin and humans devils.

A question: How do you know if you have a strong hurt from an evil eye?

1-     Through dreams: you see yourself that you were been stabbed or you were been shooted by guns.

2-     Close your eyes and read Al-Fatihah. If you see an eye in front of you while reading, then you have a strong evil eye.

3-     By praying and Dua’, when you say or hear ( O Allah, burn every strong evil eye, O Allah, let every evil eye get away from me) and you feel that you be affected, that will be an indicator about having a strong evil eye.   

A question: If the person (who hurts people by his evil eye) dies, do the people heal?

 Nor all the time, if there is a strong keeper (devil) protecting the evil eye, it will not heal. And if there is no keeper, the patient will be healed by the will of Allah.

How could someone get rid of the evil eye?

You can take the trait of the person who hurt you with his evil eye. The trait could be a piece from his cloths, a cup that he has drunk from it, or the trait of his hand… and this can be without his knowledge.

You can ask him to do ablution (Wudu’), then you take that Wudu’ and pour it on your body from above to the button of the body. The infection could be healed from the first time. And sometimes it needs many times until it ends.

You can, also, get rid of the evil eye by listening to (Evil eye and envy verses), and the most effective Roqiah.


and its better to know what kind of evil eye you were been hurt by. If the evil eye affects your livelihood, then you have to heal the problem by listening to (Rizq verses). If the evil eye affects your study and intelligence, then you have to heal yourself by listening to (knowledge and wisdom verses). If the evil eye affects the beauty and prettiness in the body, then the affected person should listen to (embellishment and beauty verses). If the evil eye affects charities and beneficence , then you should listen to (charities and beneficence verses). If the hurt was in the honoring parents, the verses of honoring parents should be listen to…etc… in addition of listening to (evil eye and envy verses).

Also, keep listening to (burning verses). It is very strong on envy and Mass cases. (Cupping),also, has a very effective impact on the evil eye and it could get out from the body by using it. 

In the case of children and patient who is faraway from his family, you can read the verse :” فَرَدَدْنَاهُ إِلَى أُمِّهِ كَيْ تَقَرَّ عَيْنُهَا وَلَا تَحْزَنَ وَلِتَعْلَمَ أَنَّ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقٌّ وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ”.

So We restored him to his mother that she might be comforted and not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true. But most of them know not.

 And the verse :  “And he will turn to his people, rejoicing!”

Ferula oil and black seed are very strong for all the spiritual affections. Ferula oil is the most effective oils in healing. A person can use it in many ways:

1-    Anoint it on the affected body. (wether the affection was magic, evil eye or mass (touch from devil)).

2-    Drink it to burn or kill mass in the body, or to get rid of eaten or drunk magic.

3-    Drip it in the nose for the sniffed magic or for the devil (Gin) who lives in the head and distracts or confuses someone’s concentration.

4-    Drip it in the ears for the listen magic.

The way of preparation is as follows:

½ L. olive oil+ ferula in a size of half egg+ 1 big tea spoon of black seed: put them in a bowel and heat the mixture on a low heat for about 15 minutes. Then, read on it (evil eye and envy verses+ burning verse) and other different verses according to the case. Or, read Surat Al-Baqarah. Anoint the whole body from this mixture and drink one table spoon in the morning and another one in the evening.

You can heal the spiritual diseases (hasad and evil eye) by using any method of treatment. And I recommended people who have evil eye in their heads and faces (especially women) to use Chinese needles, because they have immediate impact. In that way, most of the evil eyes will get out from the body and the whole energy of the body will be strengthen.

We will learn about many methods of how to cure spiritual diseases when we talk about (Mass). Where there are intensive treatment programs to exhaust it such as, cupping, incense, essential oils, some medical ointments and others. It can be used in some (Hasad=envy) cases.

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