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The touching of beau Jinn (Mass) Section | الأكاديمية الدولية لعلوم الطب التكاملي

How a person is defined as suffering from harm..

Jinn beau (Symptoms & cure): click here

Is the Jinn (Evil spirits) enters into the human? Or fall ill from the outside only?

   Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: “It is not The leaders of the Muslims deny the entry of the genie in the hull Almsrua and others, and denied this and claimed that al-Sharaa lied Therefore, it has lied to the al-Shara, and not in the forensic evidence precludes it. “How deny tangible scenes is, the devil speaks the words of Almsrua language other than the language and the tone is tone Tone of voice and non-voice tone; the devil tells you on the lips Almsrua about things no one knows nor perceived Almsrua The same; and feel Almsrua entry into force of the devil in his body And its impact in his body, he may spoil his mind and idea, and makes its members act in a manner contrary to the familiar, for denying entry genie hull medial And contrary to the Sunnis imams Community, that Evidenced over the Book of Allah and the Messenger of God above the word comes.

What is the harm that enters the genie out of the body of the names?

1. guard the eye: eye to enter because of manned and makes them come out, they usually either Marda or demons, and already talking about it and how to cure eye on the page and envy.

2. magic server: enter the body in order to guard the magic does not invalidate it.

3. Touch beau: Enter the genie (male) in the medial (female) as they liked (or vice versa) enters to settle in the pelvic area often, and doing everything he can from cohabitation and prevention of marriage and prevent women from pregnancy, childbirth or hatred for her husband, and the opposite happens as well The entered pounds (female) in the medial (Male) – us an exclusive interview with him -.

4. Touch the aggressor: and that because of that a person enters the genie hurt by pouring hot water on it or intimidating (such as opening closed doors strongly or so) enters retaliation.

5. Zar: and enter Tarabay with concerts, dance and the like, especially the African concerts, and this because of the difficult situations in which demons are stronger than other often.

6. Miss consort: the incidence of spouse Vave medial Ballosos negative thinking occur …

 Jinn beau (Symptoms & cure): click here

Does the Jinn enter the human body, or hurt the body from the outside only?

Islam Sheikh Ibn Taimiah said: “there is no one from Muslim Imams who denies the entrance of Jinn into the epileptic person. The one who denies that and pretends that Islam does not admit it, he is lying on Islam, and there is no evidences from Islam which deny this phenomenon.” How could someone denies something touchable and seen. The demon (Shaitan) is peaking on behalf of the patient using different language, different accent, different tone of voice, telling the people about things that are not realized by the patient himself. The patient feels the flow of the demon into his body and how he affects him. The demon could destroys the patient’s mind and thinking. The demon makes the patient’s organs move and behave in a strange way. So, the one who denies the entrance of Jinn into the human body and dissent the Islamic Sheikhs and Sunnah, he must come with his evidence that will not be upon Qur’an and Hadith.

What are the kinds of Mass that could enters the human body?

1-     The roaming Mass: he is the demon who hurts the human, or he is the anger, or sin (with the differentiation of the interpreters)

2-     The occasional Mass: it is a real flagrante, the Jinn flagrante the human for hours in a day or night, then he gets out of the body, and returns back to the body in the next day, or next week, or next month or after a year, or maybe he gets out of the body and does not return to it forever.

3-       Permanent pairing (real permanent flagrante ): the Jinn lives in any of the human’s organs, such as, stomach, head, legs, wombs, spine, or the Jinn could be spread in the whole body from the head to the toes. He never departs from the human. He is with him at night, day as if he is an organ from the person’s body.

4-     The external Mass: the Jinn overpowers the human’s body from the outside only permanently or temporally. The Jinn could form in human or animal picture. He sits on the human’s shoulders so he finds difficulty in moving, or causing him narrowness in the chest, insinuation, nervous, or he comes to the human during sleep and presses on the moving part in the brain so the person could not move, talk or shout. This kind of jinn called (Jathoom). The Jinn also could form in a picture of a small animal moving between person’s clothes and his body. He could hits the patient, hurts him, puffed in his face, or scares him that the person could not sleep. Or the female jinn could come in a form of beautiful woman and asking him to copulation, or vice versa. The Ruqiah should be read on the patient in the intention of ejection of the demon, immunization, and invalidate the magic.

5-     The transitive Mass: the demon is connected with the patient, and because of a reason he could moves to someone else most of the time to someone who has relation with the patient. So, his evils go beyond the patient and move to other people. The transition of the Jinn may not be from the Jinn himself, but the Jinn in the patient could send his followers to hurt other people. Jinn are in many statuses: normal demon, giants, giant demons.

What are the names of the demons who enter the human body? 

1-     The keeper of the evil eye: he enters the human body to protect the evil eye and does not make it get out of the body. Usually, the keepers are giant jinn or strong devil (Efreet). We mentioned them previously; and how we could get rid of them in (evil eye and envy section).

2-     Magic servant: he enters into the human body in order to serve and protect the magic (Sihr).

3-     The beau demon: the male demon enters into the female human’s body or vice versa. Most of the time, he settles in the pelvic area. He hurts the patient by intercourse, preventing from marriage, preventing woman from pregnancy or getting birth, or making wife hates her husband or husband hates his wife….etc. The same results if a female demon enters male human’s body.   

4-     The aggressor demon: he enters the human body because the human hurts the demon by pouring hot water on him, or the human frightens him (such as, open closed doors strongly, and so on) so, he revenges from the human.

5-     Al-Zar demon: he enters the human body during concerts, dancing, specially, the African concerts, and this is the strongest cases because the Jinn there is stronger than others.

6-     Consort demon: the consort hurts the human by scrupulosity and negative thinking.

What is the reason that make demon or jinn enters the human body? And how the jinn got hurt by the human so that he hurts him?

There are many reasons for that:

1-     The person is suffering from evil eye or envy, and this is a lacuna (hole)in the aura of the human body that lets the demon enters the body through it. And as we mentioned before, there is a keeper of the evil eye that protects it.

2-     Magic: the demons ( who serve the magic) overpower on the person who is affected by magic. The demon may get familiar with the patient’s body and then turns to beau demon, specially if the patient is a woman and the demon is  a male or the patient is man and the demon is female. And this happens most of time in magic cases.

3-     Be far away from Allah, leaving prayers, immersing in prohibited deeds all these things make the human an easy prey for demons and jinn.

4-     Demons overpower the human because the human asks for dealing with jinn or calls them or desires to have a female demon.

5-     Searching for magic books or websites, or the devil worshippers. 

6-     Seeing porn sites or films.

7-     Songs: are lacunas which make demons enters the body.

8-     Places that are infested with amusement and shamelessness, and that have no immunization by Athkar. Even the dancing of a woman in front of women without reading Athkar.

9-     The fascination of the male jinn with the female human. Jinn are every where, even in the street but we do not see them. May be the jinn got fascinated by the woman so he enters her body and vice versa. Or, the jinn get fascinated by the woman’s walk in her home and she did not read Athkar or say (In the name of Allah). Or , the person sleeps semi-nude without mentioning Allah, or entering bathroom without ,also, mentioning Allah’s name.  The Prophet-peace be upon him- said : “the protective between jinn and human’s loins, when entering bathroom, is saying (Bismillah) =in the name of Allah”.

10- Adultery, drinking wine, robbery…etc. The Prophet-peace be upon him- said: “the person does not commit adultery if he is a true believer…” and the meaning of this hadith is that the person who commits theses sins, faith and Eman will get away from him and so, he will be an easy prey for Shaitan.

11- Throwing stones in a place without mentioning Allah’a name.

12- Pouring hot water in the bathroom without mentioning Allah, maybe there is a jinn and the human hurts him, so, he will revenge.

13-  Jumping from high place without mentioning Allah’s name.

14- Urination in a place (which is not a toilet) without mentioning Allah’s name.

15- Opening the closed doors strongly without mentioning Allah’s name. Maybe there is a sleepy jinn and the person frightens him so, the jinn will revenge.

16- Extreme fear.

17- Extreme sadness. (deep depression).

18- Extreme happiness.

19- Sleeping immediately after the intercourse.

20- Singing in the bathroom.

21- Spraying pesticides on the insects without mentioning Allah’s name. Maybe these insects are jinn.

22- Frequent finery and woman’s standing frequently on the mirror.

A patient starts crying or laughing involuntarily when Ruqiah is been read to him, why?

 This case is because of two reasons: either the patient is suffering from magic (sihr), and we be sure of that by reading (magic verses), if he increases in crying, that means he is really suffering from magic.

…or, he is suffering from beau demon, and we check the case by reading (dispraising obscenity verses).

And maybe the two cases reside in the patient.

How could the person know if he suffering from (Mass)= touching from demon, or not?

There are conclusive evidences that the person is suffering from mass, and one of these evidences is enough to prove that, and it happens by seeing it frequently in the dreams:

1-     The person sees himself falling from high place, or from the bed, or from the chair , then he wakes up frightened.

2-     Seeing some kinds of animals frequently in dreams, and each animal has its indication. Lions and tigers indicate that the person is affected by giant or goblin (kings of Jinn), camel indicates that person is affected by stubborn demon and its egression is more difficult from (kings of Jinn). Monkeys indicate that the person is affected by normal demon. Elephants indicate the person is affected by African Mas (touching from demon) or magic. Reptiles (snakes- scorpions- spiders- cockroaches- ants- gecko- crocodiles..) indicate that the person is affected by giant of goblin. Cats indicate that there is beau demon and dogs indicate that there is mass (demon).

3-     Permanent nightmares and disturbing dreams.

4-     The person walks in his sleep.

5-     Seeing seas and seeing him/herself drowning frequently in dreams means the person is affected by scuba diver demon or magic in the sea.

6-     Seeing himself flying frequently indicates that the person is affected by flying demon.

7-     Seeing graves frequently indicates that the person is affected by grave’s demon or grave’s magic.

8-     Seeing Jewish religion rituals frequently indicates that the person is affected by a Jewish demon.

9-     Seeing Churches and the Christian Cross frequently indicates that the person is affected by Christian demon (jinn).

10- Suffering from permanent or semi-permanent headache shifting in the head or stable in one place, and no medicine can heal it. 

11- Suffering from spasm and epilepsy from time to time.

12- Loss of control in one of the body’s organs or pains in one of the organs with the disability of the doctors in diagnosing or healing it (such as..deafness- blindness- dumbness- paralysis- bleeding…)

13- Numbness in hands or legs (the patient feels like ants are moving on his body).

14- Suffering from distracting, indolence and laziness, dullness, frequent forgetfulness, frequent scrupulosity.

15- Suffering from dirtiness, hair and nails lengthening, sitting long time in the toilet and dirty places.

16- Aversion from Qur’an and Azan, and like music and songs.

There are other indications that sign to Mass:

1-     Seeing space ships frequently in dreams indicate that the person is affected by mass or magic.

2-     Seeing balloon in dreams  indicates that the person is affected by mass or magic as it has been mentioned in Hadith in Sahih Muslim.

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