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The symptoms and cure of magic | الأكاديمية الدولية لعلوم الطب التكاملي

What is Magic (Sihr)?

Al-Kaliouby says: the definition of Magic is malicious hearts practice bad and evil sayings and deeds which result on extraordinary things. Hanabilah defined “magic” as a kind of writings knittings or spoken words that affect in indirect way a person’s body, mind or his heart.

What is power of the Magic?

Magic has a great power that many people do not believe in it. Magic affects countless fields in people’s lives. Magic (by Allah’s will) can affects the and insects.

Many people when they hear the word (magic- Sihr), they directly think about the magic of the separation between couples, or magic of love, or for getting a particular kind of job or success in their lives. But, many people do not know that Sihr can kill the affected person or make him lose mind and become insane. Some of the cases Jinn can suffocate or make the person sick by the most dangerous diseases such as (AIDS, cancer…etc) by the will of Allah. And the most powerful of that is the magic of Kufr (atheism), and the power of the magic depends on the power of the magician, his disbelieve and the power of his demons.

What are the field that affected by magic?

Magic affects many fields in person’s life (in God’s willing), for example:

1-     Disbelief in Allah: this magic makes the person apostasy from his religion.

2-     The Magic that affects the religion: this magic makes the person hates prayers, worships, and likes different sins such as; dancing or music.

3-     The Magic that affects the relationship between couples and implants hatred and loathing between them.

4-     The magic that puts proscriptions between wife and husband.

5-     The magic that associated with miscarriage, tying the wombs and obstruction the ovaries.

6-     The magic affects the uterine bleeding or loch up the menstrual cycle.

7-     The magic affects the infertility and makes the sperms weak.

8-     The magic affects the love in any relationship, for example: it makes the wife dominates and controls her husband or vice versa.

9-     The magic of obscenity: this magic makes the person commits horrible sins such; commits fornication and adultery, whether for the motive of love, revenge or discredit.

10- The magic of the separation between family members and destroys all family relations.

11- The magic that torments the person with different kinds of anguish, such as: insomnia, loss of appetite, scrupulosity, absent-mindedness, restless and sadness, feeling pains in the body…etc.

12-   The magic of killing: it makes the Jinn dominate the person and kill him, or they flagrante the person and let him behave in a strange and dangerous way until he kills or burns himself…etc. And there is a kind of magic that called (slow murder) which classifies one of the killing magic. It depends on making the person becomes ill and then gradually dies after several years of having this illness.

13-  Magic of robbery and extortion: like home and rich people theft by using magic and control them.

14- The magic that affect livelihood and trading: this magic affects profits and losses of the trading. They deal with magic as a tool to make them get more profits in their trade or to let their competitors loss and have many damages in their trade.

15- Magic that affects health and illness: and this contains all kinds of illnesses even the paralysis.

16- Magic of kidnapping people and absent them for many years. 

17- Using magic in imagination and deceiving sights. The person will not see the reality of things like what happened to Moses –peace be upon him-.

18- Magic that affect nature, such as distortion of plants, entrapment of rain in some places…etc.

19- Magic affects the behaviors and manners of the person.

20- Magic affects animals and lets them change their behavior or lets some kind of animals harnessing to harm the person.

21- Magic affects all inanimate things.

22- Magic affects the study by let the person not to success in his studying.

23- Magic of madness: the person loses his mind completely and become an insane.


What are the symptoms of Sihr, and how could a person know if he/she is affected by magic or not?

There are many symptoms and signs of the affected person by magic and there are differ between one person to another. And sometime, the symptoms do not appear on some people who care about their religion and maintain the right way, and in this way magic could not affect or has control on them because they are in the protection of Allah. The symptoms of the affected person by magic are –sometimes- similar to the symptoms of the person who are affected by (Ain, envy or Mass), and it shares with some physical or psychological diseases. The way or the criteria to know what the person is suffering is to use Roqiah, and here are some of the symptoms:

·        Symptoms before starting treatment (during wake):

1-     The patient complains about his situation, for example: reluctance of his wife, or the disability of completing the sexual relationship, or feeling hate.

2-     Mismatch in marriage while providing all the reasons for success.

3-     His family is affected by the magic.

4-     Finding things in his house or his car that are related to magic deeds, such as talisman, strange stones or kharaz…etc., finding some sand or powder on the floor, some needles or pins implanted in the furniture, finding cut pieces from under wears or finding bloodstains on these clothes in the bathroom (something suspicious), finding carved symbols on the outside or inside the wall, or seeing someone come near the house and buried things under the ground,  finding sprinkled water or non-cooked egg in front of the house, finding slaughtered cat on the threshold of the house, an installed nail on the door, and other uncountable things that would be founded.

5-     Instability in life, fluctuation in opinion, extreme anger and crying for trivial matters.

6-     Being far away from religion and worshiping, abandonment prayer and Qur’an, and tendency to sins.

7-     Some of affected people by magic can be recognized by their eyes and gaze (and this something shared by person who suffers from Mass).

8-     Vomiting or nausea, or blood out from the mouth without a medical reason.

9-     Continuous women bleeding and fall of embryos (and this is something shared with the person who suffers from the Lover Mass)

10- Frequent divorces without any reason. For example, a person get married several times and break the marriage with divorce. (sometime Lover Mass shares this case with Sihr).

11- The affected person receives a threat that he/she will not get to marry or have work, or he will fire from his/her work, or receiving threats that relate to his/her children,  and then the events come as the threats contain.

12- The affected person went to magicians before the effects of the magic appeared in order to get benefit from them , and he drank from their water or use their matters.

13- Continuous headache, feeling pains when-for example- going to the sea, the wind blows, or when pass next to graves, he feels pains in his stomach, need to vomit, or pains in his feet and body.

14- In eaten or drunk magic:  the person feels pain in the upper part of the stomach when he presses this it.

15-  Circumstances change suddenly, for example; the couples love each other and suddenly the situation change.

Symptoms of the magic during sleep and before starting treatment:

1-     Seeing reptiles (crocodile, scorpion, snakes, ants, gecko, cockroach…etc.) frequently during sleep.

2-     The person sees himself that he is under the magic’s control, or he sees magicians spit on him, or they are feeding or hitting him, or putting things in his body, and he feels that pain when he wake up from sleep.

3-     He sees the one who make magic and try to harm him from his relatives or people who know. And the truth is that most of the time the people he saw them are the real people who hurt him by magic.

4-     Always seeing Jinn and fight them either in human or animal form.

5-     Some pregnant women see a person who hit them on their stomach, and when they wake up from sleep they miscarried immediately. This repeats to some women and sometimes they see snakes or shadow shape.

6-     The person sees numbers, symbols, writings or nodes.

Symptoms during wake up and using Ruqiah:

1-     The medicative infers the patient after asking different questions.

2-     Trembling, shivering, screaming and crying or disorder, epilepsy or vomiting substance from the magic or the desire to vomit, feeling cold or hot in some places in the body, especially when reading the verses of magic (Sihr).

3-     Some of Jinn speak directly during Ruqiah and telling the medicative that the patient is under magic and tells him the one who made this magic and the place of it, and this is rarely to happen. (Most of the time this is a lie from the Jinn unless the medicative leads up the Jinn and grab more evidences). 

4-     With the prayers of the medicative, more evidences appear about the kind of magic. For example, when he prays “O Allah, annulle every eaten or drunk magic, or written, or sprinkled or sniffed or knotted…etc”, the patient may be affected by the sprinkled magic and his feet may disturb and moving strongly. Or the patient may vomiting when mentioning “eaten or drunk magic” in Dua. (Some people deny these things and claim that these are manipulations from Shaitan, but I say that this is true, and by the power of Dua blood, threads, nails, photographs, stones and other things came out from many patients who I have treat.)

Symptoms of magic after wake up and using Ruqiah:

Most of the time, there are not any symptoms after the first treatment (Ruqiah) except the coldness or little heat or simple pulse. But after using Ruqiah many times and focusing on magic verses, symptoms begin to emerge:

1-     The pains increased in the body.

2-     Severe insomnia and lack to sleep maybe it lasts for days or months.

3-     Stench gases and feces came out from the patient.

4-     Increasing headache and joints’ pain.

5-     Symptoms of demonic Mass who is entrusted with the magic whether one demon or more.

6-     Black rotten blood came out from woman, or white or yellow secretion associated with stench.

7-     Emergence of blue, brown or dark red bruises specially on the thighs or on the arms. (and this in common with the symptoms of eye and envy).

8-     Seeing yarns, hair or nodes during wake up. Some of them with their natural color and others with gold.

9-     Emergence of red acne like heat on the body.

10- All of the magic material or some of it came out of the patient by vomiting. Some people vomit all the drunk juice that has magic –for example- and others vomit the eaten food (and it came out fresh from their body and did not become rot) and after that the patient feels good. Some people have hair, nails, or small white balls with their stools or blood.

11- Entrapment of menstrual cycle or severe constipation, or vice versa.

Symptoms during sleep while taking treatment:

1-      Frequent dreams.

2-     Frequent moves, volatility and groans.

3-     Patient sees the person who make magic and hurt him.

4-     Patient sees the entrusted Jinn and tries to hurt or threat him in order to stp the treatment (Ruqiah).

5-     Patient sees the Jinn renews the magic by , for example, putting juice or milk in his mouth and he finds the taste when he wakes up, and he sees the impact of this in reality, and this happen if the magic was strong.

Every kind of magic has its own symptoms. For example, the person who is under the control of love magic finds himself linked with the woman who made the magic for him in abnormal way. There was a husband (who was affected by the magic who his wife has made to him) he was not feeling comfortable until he puts his head in the lap of his wife because of the magic.

What are the methods to prevent magic?

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure..

To prevent magic, there are ways that are recommended in our religion, ways that are permissible, and ways that are prohibited (Shirk). Also, the remedy (treatment) after the magic has happened can be in recommended ways in Islam, permissible ways and prohibited ones. The prevention from magic is very important, because magic is dangerous and has bad consequences.

Prevention magic could be in many ways:

1-     True Faith (Aqeedah)= one who has true Faith and true unity of worshipping Allah, he will be like the strong shield in front of every magic and magicians.

2-     Maintenance prayers and the recommended worships such as, night prayers, Dhuha prayer, and additional prayers.

3-     Reading Qur’an, specially Surat Al-Baqarah every three nights.

4-     Maintaining prayers and protections like morning and evening Athkar and the Athkar of eating and sleeping.

5-     Eating seven of Madinah’s dates every morning.

6-     Be careful of magicians or to see magic books. And do not accompany anyone who has any relation with magic.

The treatment of Magic:

We need pages and pages here to count ways of treat magic. There are many and different ways to treat magic. For example, there are treatments with using Qur’an, Prophetic prayers, Charity (Sadaqah), Cupping (Hijamah), vomiting, herbs….etc.

·        Islamic Treatment:

1-     Asking forgiveness from Allah frequently (Istigfar). Because every affliction is because of doing sin, and the affliction will not disappear unless the repentance done.

2-     Return to Allah and judging yourself. Trust in Allah and resorting to Him alone. You should have satisfaction and not to exasperate. Do not despair from healing.

3-     Using Ruqiah and Sihr verses and focus on them. Listen carefully and evoke the intention of canceling the magic.

4-     Supplication of Allah and pray insistently to repeal magic.

5-     Use all the benefit ways that do not violate the Islamic treatments. Such as, cupping, eating honey, vomiting, herbs…etc.

6-     Diligence in worships; like reading Qur’an, prayers, fasting, charity, obedience of the parents…etc.

7-     Ask people who have experience in this field and take advantages from them.

The treatment of magic:

There are different kinds of magic, especially in these days. Every day we see a new kind of magic and they all need to be repeal. Some of them are written, knotted, in a lock, picture, closed bottle, statues, human or animal body…etc. Every medicative has his own method to invalidate the magic. No one can deny the way that the medicative uses unless there is a religious evidence or conclusive proof. For example, some of them read Qur’an only, but this method will not work except to the internal magic. And some of the cancelled the internal magic and some kinds of the external magic by water that included Qur’an in it, others burn magic, cut and tear it up, pour caustic material and burn it, put the magic in olive oil that has read Qur’an in it, …etc. and each method could be the right one. But, the most safest and effective way is to put the magic in water or olive oil that has read Qur’an in it. This method will invalidate the magic including the frequent reading of the verse (From the mischief of those who practice secret arts and magic) “ومن شر النفاثات في العقد”.

What do you do when you find a magic?

1-     Bring a medium size bowel (according to the size of the magic).

2-     Put in the bowel water and start reading Qur’an whether you put your mouth near or far from the bowel or put your hand inside water, all these methods are true and be experienced. The most important point is to breathe many times inside the water after finding from reading. 

3-     Intention…intention…intention while reading: trust in Allah and be assure that Allah will invalidate the magic, do not think that this reading is just a reason that will cancel the magic. Read and let your heart connect with Allah, and trust that Allah will give you His victory.

4-      Read in water Sihr verses with frequent breathes.

5-     Take the magic and put it in the water and start untying it while reading Surat Al-Falaq and Al-Nas and pray to Allah to invalidate this Sihr.

6-      After finishing from its loosening and erasing writings in it, take it and try to bury it if you can or drop it in the dump. Its already canceled Inshaallah. Pour the water outside the home but not in the way of peoples’ wake. At this point, you finished your mission and canceled the magic. 

How to deal with different kind of magic?

1-     The eaten or drunk magic: person can get rid of this magic by vomiting it.

2-      Knotted magic: a person can get rid of this kind of magic by untie all the nodes , and if there is only one node reminded, the magic still has its effects and does not disappear.

3-     Written magic: a person can get rid of it by putting it in water that has read Qur’an in it, then erase all written words from the paper, and finally burn it.  

4-     Sprinkled and splashing magic (if the intended person walk on this magic he will be affected): to get rid of this magic, the place of this sprinkled magic must be sprinkled by this special mixture: nabk (Sedr), salt, apple vinegar, rose water, and the complete Roqia must be done to the person.

5-     Sniffed magic (it happened by sniffing perfumes or incense): to get rid of this kind of magic is by sniffing good musk. One of the strongest things that will untangle the magic is by using (vix finger that is founded in most pharmacies), putting two drops of Black Musk of the Vix and then sniffing it and the magic will be eliminated.

6-     Heard magic: ( it happened by using mobile or telephone): distillation of olive oil that contains (Sihr and Harq) Verses in the ears.

7-     Magic that is located in mountains, seas, graves or buried in a place that is hard to find: the affected person should follow a particular healing program by using Roqia to get rid of this magic.

8-     Status magic: untie all nodes or knotted things on the status and then break it.

Some bewitchments are embossed in bronze, silver, gold or rock. in this case, you should put them in water or oil that has been read Qur’an in it ( for seconds, hours or days) . Then, take these bewitchments out and destroy them or knock them to erase all marks of the magic. Then, put them again in the water and repeat the above step.

9-     Magic of the picture: the magician does this magic by using the picture of the person that he wanted to damage him. And the way to get rid of this magic and cancel its effects is by in water that contains salt and Qur’an, and then burn the picture.

How someone know that magic is eaten or drunk?

It is seen by pressing of the upper part of the stomach. If the person feels pain and feels that there is something hard or solid in that area and cannot stand the pain, that means the magic is drunk. While the eaten magic the pain appears in the sides of the stomach (colon).

What are the methods of vomiting the eaten or drunk magic?

Magic could get out of the body in the form of hair or blackness. Or the real food or drink that contains Sihr comes out as it is without any change.

How do you know the place of the magic?

Insistence in praying, reading Surat Al-Anbia’a and Al-Naba’a before sleep and let your intention is to know the place of the magic. After many days of keeping doing this every day, the affected person will see the place of the magic Inshallah.

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